1 out of 5 - Easy


All ages above 14 years old

Someone in fair walking condition, able to walk for 2 hours with short breaks at a low pace of 2-3km/hr (1.2-1.8mi/hr)

Trails generally in good condition, glacier travel on generally very low angle -Very little elevation gain, max 250m (820ft) over a distance of 2km (1.2mi).

2 out of 5 - Easy+


All ages above 14 years old

Someone in good walking condition, able to walk for 2-3 hours with short breaks at a low pace of 2-4km/hr (1.2-2.5mi/hr)

Trails generally in good condition, glacier travel on generally very low angle. -Very little elevation gain, max 250m (820ft) over a distance of 2km (1.2mi).

3 out of 5 - Moderate


Someone in good hiking condition, able to walk for 4 hours at a low or moderate pace of 2-4km/hr (1.2-2.4mi/hr)

Trails generally in good condition, glacier travel partly on uneven ground.

Moderate elevation gain +300m (-1000ft) over a 3km (1.8mi) distance.

4 out of 5 - Difficult


For all ages above 16 years old.

For someone in good hiking condition.

Trails generally in fair conditions, some off the path travel, glacier/snow travel on uneven ground with some challenging sections.

Pace is adjusted to guest fitness but generally our elevation gain is around 300m/hr (1000ft/hr) with a walking pace of 2-4km/hr (1.2-2.5mi/hr).

Increased distance. We recommend guests to have the ability to cover 20km a day on rugget trails and snow.

5 out of 5 - Hard


For all ages above 18 years old.

For someone in very good hiking condition.

Trails generally in fair conditions, large sections off the path travel, glacier/snow travel on uneven ground with some challenging sections.

Pace is adjusted to guest fitness but generally our elevation gain is around 300m/hr (1000ft/hr) with a walking pace of 2-4km/hr (1.2-2.5mi/hr).

Duration – one should feel comfortable to travel for 10-15 hours a day.

Increased distance. We reccomend guests have the ability to cover 20km (12.5mi) a day on uneven trails and snow.

Significant increase in elevation.

Some technical difficulty should be expected.